Writings by Andrea Watts

I am a freelance writer/editor who specializes in covering forestry and natural resources issues. What I bring to each project are undergraduate degrees in English and forestry, a master’s degree with coursework in silviculture and science communication, and on-the-ground experience managing the family tree farm.

Disease detectives: Mapping the risk of invasive forest pathogens under a changing climate



Brown root rot (caused by Phellinus noxius) and myrtle rust (caused by Austropuccinia psidii) are natural disturbances in their native tropical and subtropical forest ecosystems. A tree infected with either fungal pathogen becomes unhealthy and likely dies, sometimes within 3 months. These pathogens are threatening forest ecosystems around the world as they spread through international trade or other means, such as by wind or through the soil. Climate change also is creating environmental conditions that will allow these pathogens to survive in novel forest ecosystems where they haven’t been found historically.

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Year 2021 Volume 239

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